Author Diane Johnson riding her horse Chance.

Writer's Block

I haven’t written anything in two months.  I have wanted to. . . but nothing comes to mind.  This morning when I first woke, before I got up, I decided I would write about my day.  It was still dark. I felt my way out of the bedroom to the guest bathroom where the puppies sleep, to let them out.  I sensed something was amiss.  I flicked on the hall light. . .




by Diane Johnson

March 28, 2017

I’ve been hearing from the lower animals lately.  Lower meaning dumb, (unable to speak, not stupid).  However, if you listen closely, and watch carefully, quite a bit of speaking goes on. 

Dating Outside Your Species

Dating Outside Your Species

by Diane Johnson


 I was looking through pictures, trying to find something for a card I wanted to make for a sick friend.  I stumbled on the ones of Chester and his kitty.  Now, Chester was a dog my friend K. C. and I found at the top of Duck Creek Pass one August day.  He had been abandoned and was thin and weak, but he gained weight fast.  He was a good and well-behaved dog, and Kitty loved him. 

Comfort Food

Submitted by vsample on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 14:43

Comfort Food

by Diane Johnson

October 22, 2017 

Everyone has comfort foods they remember from their childhood.  Mine was grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.  About the time I became a mother the health food awareness craze was kicking in.  I was on the crest of that wave.  I was the first among my friends to have natural childbirth, nurse my baby, and read food labels.  Now it’s common as sandals, but, way back then, I was a trend setter.  

Something's Amiss

I spent much of the day mowing the lawn.  Richard used to mow two acres.  I have cut it down to one, and I’m not keeping up.  First it wouldn’t start, the lawnmower that is.  Jon, my son, had used it for a while just to see if it would work, and it did.  He mowed under my clothes line so I could walk out there in the morning without getting wet up to my knees.  He mowed a trail to the chicken house, the cabin and the car too.  (I have really heavy dew in the mornings.) 

In 7 to 10 Days

by Diane Johnson; 2/8/2017

Richard died.  I feel like half of me has been torn away.  There is a ghostly image of the missing half so ambulances don’t try to pick me up.  The good side of being half translucent is that I’m almost half invisible.  I’ve always wanted to be invisible. . . or I used to want that. 

About two weeks after the funeral I decided I had better get to work on settling our affairs. 

Nepal and Thailand Trip

December 6, 2015, updated and real names changed January 23, 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been more than a month since I returned from my Mission trip with Vision Beyond Borders (VBB) to Nepal and Thailand, and I am finally sitting down to tell you about it and say Thank You for your support.  VBB is a Christian organization that coordinates with numerous other Missions to provide relief in areas impacted by war or sex trafficking.  This trip we took clothing, toys, project supplies and Hygiene packs to refugee camps in Thailand and to a Safe House in Nepal.

February 4, 2016

Submitted by vsample on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 15:20

Six months ago when I wrote my bio-page for this website it was all true.  Now, however, things have changed.  On September 12, 2015 our sixteen year old grandson, Terrick Johnson,  died in a vehicle accident.  Two of his friends also died and another was critically injured.  Our hearts are shattered.  We still have four grandchildren but one is now in Heaven.  The young man who survived the accident is recovering.  We are grateful to God that this young man is getting stronger every day.  We pray he will have a full recovery.  I have wri

Our Hearts are Shattered

Submitted by vsample on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 15:18

Five months ago when I wrote the bio-page for this web site it was all true.  Now, however, things have changed.  On September 12, 2015 our sixteen year old grandson, Terrick, died in a vehicle accident. Two of his friends also died and another was critically injured.  Our hearts are shattered.  We still have four grandchildren but one is now in Heaven.  The young man, age nineteen, that was injured is recovering.  We are grateful to God that he is getting stronger every day.  We pray he will have a full recovery.