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Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse


December 21, 2010



The photos above show the stages of the eclipse the night of December 20, 2010.

Richard and I stayed up half the night watching the sky and tracking the advancing eclipse.  In the past a lunar eclipse was a very big deal.  It was foreshadowing things to come, an omen, usually of catastrophic change.  

This eclipse was special.  It was the eclipse of a full moon at winter solstice. That had not happened for hundreds of years.  Now the newspaper explains that the shadow of the earth advances across the face of the moon hiding it for a time.  What a way to remove the mystery from a very cool event.  But the Bible says in Genesis 1:14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, (15) and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.  The sun and moon and the stars were to serve as signs. Was this lunar eclipse arranged by God to remind us to “look up”, pay attention! 

Is the Lord calling us to “wake up”? Will this be the year of the Lord’s return? I don’t know.  But Jesus called us to be ready.  At the time of His first coming many of the Jewish people were watching and waiting for the Messiah.  Both Mary, (a peasant girl), and Elizabeth, (a woman of the religious elite),  knew a Messiah was coming.  The Magi from the eastern countries were stirring in unease discussing an unusual star.  Jesus’ first coming was expected and long awaited.  Those who wanted to know, were informed of His expected advent.  They were looking up, watching the sky and pondering prophesies.

Now it is our time to wait expectantly for Jesus to return.  He wants us to wait, to watch, and to occupy his Kingdom until he comes.  We are an occupation force keeping the peace, helping the residents, and sharing the Good News.

After the Resurrection Jesus was talking to Peter about the manner of Peter’s death.  Peter asked Jesus what would happen to John and Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?  You must follow me.  (John 21:22). Each of us must follow Jesus ourselves.  He will be coming back for us or we will be going up to Him.  Sunrise brings us a day closer to meeting Jesus.  Every full moon is a sign that we are one month nearer to His return.  So what about that eclipse?  I know there won’t be another like it for a very long time.  Was that the last eclipse of a full moon at the winter solstice before Jesus comes?  I don’t know.  But if it was I am glad we saw it. 

Dear Jesus, Please Keep us mindful that time is short.  Thank you for the beautiful moon you gave us to light the heavens at night.  When we look into the starry night help us remember your great creative power.

I love you. 
