I was working on the documentation for one of the Grazing allotments. First I arranged photos and then added texts and finally made the maps. This time, however, the documentation was for my supervisor’s allotment and I did not know the names of the fences, water systems and pastures. No problem I thought. I will just put the GPS coordinates that I recorded in the field into the map program and then look at the Allotment maps that show the fences, water tanks, pipelines and pastures and link them together. Well, when I tried to figure which fence went with the gates I had GPSed or if I tried to figure out which spring system went with my point on the map they did not come together. For instance I typed in the coordinates for a gate and the point showed up far from any fence on the Improvement map. The same thing happened with water tanks. I would type in the coordinate, label it “Tank 1” and it showed up on the map a great distance from any tank on the Improvement map. I was tearing my hair out!! I may have missed a number recording them in the field but I could not have missed all my numbers. Was I in the wrong projection to use with my program? How could that be? I always use NAD 83. Did I have a computer virus? How could these be in error? Finally I went to talk to my supervisor about the problem.
She said, “Oh your coordinates are likely correct. The improvement map is wrong. It has never been ground truthed.”
I was immediately relieved. My equipment was working properly. However, we use and depend on maps every day. We use them to chart our course and plan our trips. We trust them implicitly. I never even considered that the Improvement map could be in error.
How often to we place that kind of trust in Science, Religion, or the Daily Paper? Do we ground truth what we believe?
As it turned out I was using the wrong map entirely. I needed the map for the next grazing allotment to the west. When I compared my points with the correct map the water tanks, fences and even the cattle lined up! (Now they are “ground truthed”.)
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2 Timothy 3:16 states: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness.”
Many people have tried to discredit the Bible but it has remained true and trustworthy through the ages. Scientific theories come and go. False religions rise and fall but Gods Word remains a Lamp unto our Feet and a Light unto our path. The newspapers often are slanted one way or another. I would not put my trust in the daily news. Have you “Ground Truthed” your life? It is way more important than stock tanks, fences and herds of cattle.
In John 14: 6: “Jesus states “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through me.”
Thank you Lord that I can trust your word to guide my life.